Personalizing Learning
We played “hangman” today… we changed the name to “rooster”. It was hard to disassociate the word with the game. They really enjoyed playing the game. It was a pretty good laugh. This was one of those attention grabbing games that I could definitely see them using in their classroom. I am looking forward to seeing what words they choose.
Moses came to the front and did the word “psychology”. It was really nice to see their enthusiasm for this game. This was a quick fun game the students could play by themselves or a great teacher guided activity.
I introduced the “Check-In” game. You simply go around the room and you have the students, and in this case teachers, say their first name and one word to describe their day or mood. For example… Sophia Happy. So we broke the teachers down into 4 groups and had them check-in with us. One teacher in particular was very sweet and said his name and then said “thankful” and I had to stop myself from tearing up.
Another moment that I found myself close to tears was when we did the coat of arms. Their coat of arms were all unique and interesting and wonderful. They really loved talking about who they were through symbols and it showed me how awesome it would be to do this activity in my own classroom. It is a great way to really get to know those around you without doing a ten hour interview.