Monday, April 23, 2012

Mondays Can be the Best Days!!

I woke up this morning feeling apprehension and nervousness. It’s the first day of the seminar. What if they do not like me? What if they don’t understand my fast almost indistinguishable dialect? What if I trip and fall on stage? What if…what if…what if!! The scenarios that played in my head got worse and worse as I continued to broad on the upcoming day’s events. I got up sponged off the night’s sleep and tried to (unsuccessfully) put my worries to the back of my head. Breakfast consisted of honey, peanut butter, and banana smeared over fresh Ugandan bread. I also two cups of freshly brewed Uganda coffee. This coffee was the BEST coffee I had ever had in my life. I felt the caffeine seep into my system. The jitters hit me before my system could register the beautiful glory that was in my cup.  Suddenly the day did not seem so daunting. And it was over all a GREAT day! Our lesson for the seminar was the big reveal which is adding surprise to your lesson. The teachers responded well. Although at times I spoke entirely to fast it was a success. One day down 4 more to go.

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